
Isha Noor
2 min readApr 2, 2021

For every great goal to be achieved, you have to start from very small thing that you think can lead you to your destination. You cant reach rooftop without moving from other blocks. These baby steps may not lead you to your destination but at least can help you ‘Prepare’ for the battle of your dreams.


What is My #juststart and Why?

So for my #juststart, I decided to work on self grooming. And what I think needs to be improved is my physical health. We all know that to achieve anything we first need to have power to go through all the problems. If you are not active and healthy enough, you wont be able to get to your goal.

As a famous Arabian proverb states:

‘HE who has Health has Hope and He who has Hope has Everything.’’


I never give importance to a healthy lifestyle, being a studious child I always focused on studies. I tried maintaining healthy routine but due to lack of regularity and my habit of procrastination I failed. I tried following plan but after a day or two I always quit.😒😒


Thanks to Amal for introducing me ‘SMART GOALS’ and by plaining them I would surely get to the other end InshaAllah. As i believe ‘Everything you do now decides your future’.


I have devised a step by step chart and the very first step that i am doing from this week is ‘Getting up early in morning and taking a 10 minutes walk’’. As an early morning walk is the blessing for the whole day.

It was really tough for me to wakeup early morning as this covid has made me more lazy and late night owl. But i did it today and will keep doing unless it becomes my habit.

My Learning

That if you are determined, nothing is impossible. While doing something which is difficult for you, keep an eye on your target the ultimate reward, this will keep you going. You always find happiness in doing something purely for you.


Next i would devise a diet chart for me and consult nutritionist on instagram for diet plan.

